miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014


Measurements: 42 x 29.7 cm
Tools: Diluted acrylic + black pen+ white pastel pencil

Medidas. 42 x 29.7cm
Técnica: acrílico diluido, lápicera negra + lápiz pastel blanco

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014


Ofrenda/The Offering

Measurements: 40 x 2.97 cm
Tools: diluted acrylic+ mechanical pencil+ black pen and marker

Medidas: 40 x 2.97cm
Técnica: acrilícos diluidos + lápiz mecánico+fibra y lapicera negra.

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014


Proteger/To Protect

Measurements: 29.7 x 42cm
Tools: Watercolors, color pencils, black pen and markers.

Medidas: 29.7 x 42 cm
Técnica: acuarela, lápices de colores, lápiceras y fibras negras.

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Las princesas

The princesses

The frame is actually golden, though it may appear opaque paint in the photo.
Oil on wood
65 x 44cm.

Las princesas
La pintura en el marco es dorada, aunque pueda parecer opaca por la foto.
Óleo sobre madera
65 x 44cm

Details/ Detalles:

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Selling art prints / Vendiendo láminas

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am currently selling limited edition art prints of my digital work at Arteviaja, a local gallery located in Montevideo (Uruguay). The prices are quite affordable, around USD $25 each and come with a certificate of authentification. The place is also packed with unique pieces of other local artists, so you won´t regret your visit. The adress is Alzaibar 1367, which is between Peatonal Sarandí and Plaza Zabala, in the Old City.

Hola! Quería informar a todos los interesados que están a la venta en la Galería Arteviaja, ediciones  limitadas de láminas de arte digital. Cada una cuesta aproximadamente UY$600 (US$25), e incluyen un certificado de autenticidad. El lugar tiene montones de obras únicas de otros artistas emergentes, así que vayan a visitar , ¡no se van a arrepentir!. La dirección es Alzaibar 1367 , entre Peatonal Sarandí y la Plaza Zabala en la Ciudad Vieja. 

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014

Al caer la noche

Al caer la noche/When night falls.

Oils on wood
38 x 60cm.

Unfurtunately the blog does not support the photos true colors. Visit my my DeviantArt account for better quality pictures. Thank you.

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Solo los peces pueden volar

Solo los peces pueden volar/Only fish can fly

You don´t have to be afraid
You don´t even have to be brave.
Living in a guilded cage,
the only risk is that you go

Tools: oil on wood
Measurements: 72 x 35 cm


Lyrics by Flume, inspired by this beautiful fan-made video featuring images from Lana del Rey.

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014


Narval, is another take of the unicorn simbolism idea of a previous illustration, Secrets. I went back to my older technique of making the digital painting seem more free and traditional-like, while still leaving some lineart. I´m experimenting a bit to try to decide where I pursue a cleaner style, or a more "traditional painting" style on my digital works.
The colors have more gradients and are better, unfurtunately, the blog format doesn´t help. You can see a better version at my deviantart account 
Tools: black pen for initial lineart + photoshop+ tablet.


domingo, 6 de julio de 2014


"Your body is a battleground"
Barabara Kruger


Tools: black pen+ photoshop+tablet

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

La Caida

La Caída (The Fall)
Oils in MDF.
Measurements: 35 X 72cm

"Don´t break me down
I've been travelin' too long
I've been trying too hard
With one pretty song

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,
I drive fast, I am alone in the night
Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble,
but I, I've got a war in my mind
So, I just ride, just ride,

I just ride, just ride"

rom "Ride" by Lana Del Rey . Album- Born to Die (The Paradise Edition).


Listen to beautiful "Ride" by Lana del Rey

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

La Creacion de Eva

La Creación de Eva/ Eve's Creation

I tried to continue being careful creating a soft color pallete with some strokes of more saturated colors. It was also important in this picture to convey a sense of rythm and dancing from the way the curves related to each other.
Tools: black pen + photoshop+ tablet


domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


Continuing the series of illustrations, this time attempting to reach a middle-ground between something more graphic-designy and a proper digital painting. I worked very hard on the piece, specially to get the color pallete to be harmonious and the contrast relationships to be accurate. However, the file conversion from my photoshop file to a .PNG (JPEG´s quality was too bad, so it was quickly discarded) was a headache. I almost had to do 26 samples, before arriving to a decent result, and it has still lost a lot of the file quality and small gradients the original image had. Hopefully, this will not happen on the printing stage as well.
Regarding the concept, as you´ve probably noticed, I included  the lilies and the orchids again, since their meaning is quite opposite and appropiate to what I wanted to portray, alongside with the medieval simbolism of the unicorn.

Tools: black pen+photoshop+tablet

domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Comic Comission - You Shall Receive

Comic comission "You Shall Receive"
Written by Allison Garcia
Illustrated by Romina Santana
Executive Editor- Erica J. Heflin
for future publication  through Grayhaven Comics  =)

Tools: black pen + photoshop (editing) + illustrator (lettering)

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014


I tried to play around with a different color pallete this time, using more vibrant colors and a tropical atmosphere. I really wanted to portray a certain kind of feeling in this picture, but I am completely at a loss about how to describe it, but I hope you guys can see it through.
Tools: black pen + photoshop
original drawing measured 54 x 34 cm

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

The Traveler

Part of a series of illustrations for an upcoming event.
Tools: black marker + black pen + photoshop