jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

To stop, to remember, to continue

This was part of an university assignement were we had to create a picture inspired by objects of the past that were meaningful to us in the present.
The exercise of reading my old diaries (that I had written ten years ago), arose a lot of strong emotions in me. It made me realise that despite a lot of time has passed, and even if I have grown up to be a young adult, the way that I feel and I am through the years is basically the same.
Reagarding the technique, I struggled for something cleaner, brighter and neater than what I usually do in digital, but I am not very satisfied with the results.
Tools: Photoshop and tablet

Some days after the deadline, and having all the students delivered the assignment, all
the pictures were hang on the class walls for all the student body to see.And it was certainly
a very strange but rewarding experience having seen my pictured observed and questioned =).
Unfurtunately, I printed the piece as the real size darwing, (aprox 80 x 30 cm) and not
only did all the mistakes show on the print, but the laser printer at the shop changed the colors into this super saturated bright orange hues! I guess that was a lesson to learn from: always test your digital color before making an expensive print!

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Fashion Designs!

This was part of a class assignment where we had to come up with a creative drawing inspired by the still life shown below. It was also a great chance to practise my watercolouring skills, which are still very messy, but hopefully they will improve in due time =). I was also pretty glad to focus on fashion for a change, rather that an overcomplicated illustration. I guess sometimes less is more!